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Department Of Agricultural Microbiology, Environmental Sciences


Sri Krishnadevaraya College of Agricultural Sciences, Anantapuramu. The Department was established in 2016 under Natural Resource Management. The Department is dedicated to quality in education, research, and extension, which are bolstered by the presence of many faculty members from this program who are experts in their fields and are united by the common objective of understanding "Microbes." Microbiology is the hub for developing understanding and comprehension of microbial domains for agricultural applications. It comprises the utilization of microbial genes and metabolite pools for protection, management of natural resources, and biomass value addition in addition to the stimulation of plant growth. The B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture program offers Microbiology courses through this department.

Vision :

Due to the wide range of microbial activity, the microbiology program is a multidisciplinary field with roots in Agriculture, Environmental Science, and Life Science. The program aims to educate students on the fundamentals of microbiology and its most recent applications in agriculture, taking into account recent developments and the explosive rise of microbiological techniques and applications in human and environmental sustainability. The department has made significant contributions to the isolation and selection of nitrogen-fixing and plant-growth-promoting microbes for legumes, cereals, millets, and oilseed crops. Standard techniques have been adopted for mass production of Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, phosphate solubilizers, blue-green algae bio-fertilizer for rice, and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (VAM) inoculants for various crops. Traditional microbiology is regarded as an essential field of research in biology because of its immense potential and breadth of application in fermentation, bioremediation, and biomedical technologies. Deep knowledge in diverse fields is used to build know-how, which is then developed for use by industry and society programs to serve as the country's focal point to establish national priorities.

1.Committed to produce high quality globally competent agriculture graduates with a sense of service and spirituality.
2.Strives to develop innovative technologies to meet the challenges in agriculture and conserve the environment.
3.Dissemination of appropriate technologies to promote commercial agriculture and thereby improving the standard of living of the farming community.

Department of Agricultural Micro-biology Course

Sl.No Course.no Title of the course Credits
1 AMBE 101 Agricultural Microbiology 2(1+1)

Department of Agricultural Micro-biology Faculty

Sl.No Name Designation Education Experience
1 Dr. A.N. Konda Reddy Asst. Professor M.Sc.(Ag.), Ph.D. Soil fertility 1 Year
2 Dr. M. Kavitha Asst. Professor M.Sc.(Ag.), Ph.D. Nanotechnology 1 Year
3 Dr. A. Sandana kirouchenane Asst. Professor M.Sc.(Ag.), Ph.D. Agril. Microbiology 11 Years